Sassy & WRangler 2016 LItter
Update 7/14/16 : Minnie Pearl is our only puppy available and looking for her forever home!!
Update 7/2/16 : Updated with new 7 week old pictures, videos, weights and current availability. Puppies will be given their first shots and another round of wormer tomorrow.Update 6/21/16 :Updated with new pictures, videos, weights and current availability. I do sincerely apologize for the quality of the pictures and videos. Trying to get ready for vacation along with all the ranch obligations and these little ones it pushes my picture time kinda tight. Update 6/12/16: Updated website with 4 week old pictures, videos and weights as well as updated eye color, availability and prices.Update 6/5/16: First wormer given 6/4/16, updated website with 2 and 3 week old pictures and weights.
Sassy blessed us with 8 beautiful puppies: 2 boys and 6 girls that were born on May 14, 2016!!
These little ones will be ready to go July 9 !!
1- Blue Merle Male (Tweed)
1- Black Tri Male
4- Blue Merle Females (all Tweed)
2-Black Tri Females
These puppies are beyond gorgeous!
These pups will probably be medium minis around 15-17 inches tall 25-40 lbs.
We have decided to name them after some of our favorite classic country singers!!
Deposits are half of the puppies asking price and they are non-refundable. Deposits and final payments are acceptable in the form of cash only.
The prices below are for pet only homes, please contact me if you would like to inquire about breeding rights.
All of these puppies will have received their first shots with 3 sets of wormer before they leave and have also had their dewclaws and tails removed.
I also recommend that new owners use Sentinel or any other non-Ivermectin heart worm preventative when their pup is 6 months of age.
My ultimate goal is to find these puppies amazing loving homes, where they will become part of the family just as my dogs are. Sometimes for the right pet home I will reduce their prices.
Health Testing
- Degenerative Myelopathy (DM): Normal (clear through parentage)
- Hereditary Cataracts (HC): Normal (clear through parentage)
- Progressive Retinal Atrophy/ Progressive Rod-Cone Degeneration (PRA/PRCD): Potential Carriers (Sire is a carrier, therefore theoretically 50% will be normal/clear and 50% will be carriers). Carrier dogs do not display or suffer from this condition.
- Multidrug resistance 1 (MDR1): Potential Carriers and Positives. Sire and Dam are carriers, therefore 50% will be carriers, 25% will be positive, and 25% will be normal/ clear. This condition is very common in Aussies (1 in 2 will either be a carrier or positive) and is easily omitted by avoiding MDR1 drugs like Ivermectin, which I actually always recommend to new puppy parents.
- Please give me a shout if you have any questions, these results can be confusing if you are not familiar with the testing. I also have more information regarding these tests and the meaning of the results at the bottom of my Adult Mini Aussie page.
If you have any questions at all please don't hesitate to call or email me. (817) 996-9343
To open the gallery for each puppy click on one of the tiled pictures below their description. This will open up a gallery of all the pictures I have taken of that particular puppy on your phone or PC. If you are on a phone all you have to do is tap the picture to see the next one and the gallery will close automatically once you have seen them all. If you are on a PC then you can either navigate through the pictures with the arrow keys or your mouse by clicking on the "PREV" Or "NEXT" icons that will appear on the picture once you scroll over it. Then to close the gallery click the "CLOSE" icon at the bottom right corner of the picture. If you have any problems viewing the pictures please give me a call.

Minnie Pearl SOLD
Price: $500
Weight at 2 weeks: 1 lb, 2 oz
Weight at 3 weeks: 1 lb 7 oz
Weight at 4 weeks: 2 lb 1 oz
Weight at 5 weeks: 2 lb 13 oz
Weight at 7 weeks: 3 lb 14 oz
Estimated Final Size: 14-16", 25-35 lbs
Black Tri Female with two brown eyes, copper and four white socks.
She is very sweet and cuddly and will make a great companion! She has now found a new enjoyment in playing with our Mini Pigs and piglet.
Conway Twitty
Spoken for by the McMillion Family!! Congrats!!
Price: $800
Weight at 2 weeks: 1 lb, 3 oz
Weight at 3 weeks: 2 lb 4 oz
Weight at 4 weeks: 2 lb 15 oz
Weight at 5 weeks: 4 lb 2 oz
Weight at 7 weeks: 5 lb 5 oz
Estimated Final Size: 15-17", 30-40 lbs
Blue Merle Male with one full blue eye (right) one partial blue eye (left), copper, big white blaze in his face, partial collar, and four white socks.
This little man is such a teddy bear when he snuggles but will play like crazy when you wake him. He loves to run around the yard and attempt to herd the chickens and pigs.
Porter Wagoner
Spoken for by the McMillion Family!! Congrats!! So happy that these boys get to stay together!
Price: $600
Weight at 2 weeks: 1 lb, 3 oz
Weight at 3 weeks: 1 lb 9 oz
Weight at 4 weeks: 2 lb 1 oz
Weight at 5 weeks: 2 lb 10 oz
Weight at 7 weeks: 3 lb 5 oz
Estimated Final Size: 14-15", 25-30 lbs
Black Tri Male with two brown eyes, copper, thin white blaze in his face, and four white socks.
He is such a sweet cuddly guy. He is going to be a very small little guy but he will have a lot of love for one lucky family.
Dolly Parton
SOLD to Roxanne and Scott Stone!!
Price: $600
Weight at 2 weeks: 1 lb, 9 oz
Weight at 3 weeks: 1 lb 15 oz
Weight at 4 weeks: 2 lb 5 oz
Weight at 5 weeks: 3 lb 3 oz
Weight at 7 weeks: 4 lb 5 oz
Estimated Final Size: 14-16", 25-35 lbs
Black Tri Female with two brown eyes, lots of copper trim, small star and four white socks.
She is a very playful little girl. She is going to be a great family pet!
Patsy Cline
SOLD to Jeff Braswell!! Miss Pickle will have a great home!!
Price: $1,000
Weight at 2 weeks: 1 lb, 6 oz
Weight at 3 weeks: 1 lb 10 oz
Weight at 4 weeks: 2 lb 3 oz
Weight at 5 weeks: 2 lb 13 oz
Weight at 7 weeks: 3 lb 13 oz
Estimated Final Size: 14-15", 25-30 lbs
Blue Merle Female (dark tweed pattern) with two blue eyes, dark copper and four small white socks.
She is a very outgoing little girl. She is going to stay small and be a little spitfire!
Kitty Wells
Spoken for by Jennifer Mock and family!!
Price: $900
Weight at 2 weeks: 1 lb, 9 oz
Weight at 3 weeks: 1 lb 15 oz
Weight at 4 weeks: 2 lb 7 oz
Weight at 5 weeks: 3 lb 6 oz
Weight at 7 weeks: 5 lb 2 oz
Estimated Final Size: 14-16", 25-40 lbs
Blue Merle Female (tweed pattern) with one blue eye (left), one brown/black eye, dark copper and four small white socks.
She is loves to walk around and explore.
Tanya Tucker
Spoken for by Nicole & Riley Hunter!
Price: $1,000
Weight at 2 weeks: 1 lb, 6 oz
Weight at 3 weeks: 1 lb 11 oz
Weight at 4 weeks: 2 lb 3 oz
Weight at 5 weeks: 2 lb 12 oz
Weight at 7 weeks: 4 lb 0 oz
Estimated Final Size: 14-15", 25-35 lbs
Blue Merle Female (tweed pattern) with two blue eyes, dark copper and four white socks.
She is absolutely gorgeous!! She would love to just cuddle up all day long.
Tammy Wynette
SOLD to Liam Weems and family!!
Price: $800
Weight at 2 weeks: 1 lb, 7 oz
Weight at 3 weeks: 1 lb 11 oz
Weight at 4 weeks: 2 lb 7 oz
Weight at 5 weeks: 3 lb 5 oz
Weight at 7 weeks: 4 lb 14 oz
Estimated Final Size: 14-16", 25-40 lbs
Blue Merle Female (tweed pattern) with two brown/black eyes (one with blue flecks), dark copper and four small white socks.
She is such a sweet girl. She will make this family a great companion.
Color Information
(The information below is what I have come to understand and believe. The subject of Harlequins and Tweeds seems to cause much debate among Aussie people) Harlequin VS Tweed
For most of us, genetics can seem downright confusing; even when researching fairly simple combinations such as the genes influencing coat and eye color. In Lisa McDonald's A FIELD GUIDE TO COLORATION OF AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERDS, she provides information and photographs on nearly every known variation of Australian Shepherd color, as well as the genes believed to create each pattern. Better yet, she has managed to genetics! On the topic of Harlequin Merles, she states the gene creating this pattern is a "dominant modifier of the merle pattern". In other words, a "Harlequin Merle" is simply a beautiful and unusual variation of the more common Merle color pattern. When a Merle Aussie possesses the Harlequin gene, the already uniquely beautiful Merle coat pattern becomes even more "exciting". For instance, a typical Blue Merle would have a base coat of "blue" with black patches scattered throughout, while a typical Red Merle would have a pretty "sugar and spice" base coat with darker red patches. In the case of a Harlequin Merle, the base coat color is muted; the depigmented areas appearing very pale, possibly even white. In both the Blue and Red Merles, the darker Merle patches are also affected; a Blue Harlequin Merle may have Merle patches ranging from the typical black, to charcoal gray, to lighter grays, to silver - some with warm reddish tones. A Red Harlequin Merle may have several distinct variations of red, ranging from dark liver to medium red, to a lighter red, to a pale buff. Though knowledgeable fanciers recognize the Harlequin Merle as a legitimate color variation, and a true Australian Shepherd, this pattern is not an "accepted" color variation in most show venues. As Lisa McDonald discusses, a controversy arises when we study the breed standard, which states: "...all colors strong, clear and rich...", she continues with "In harlequins the different colors are quite distinct and do not muddy each other. The fuel for the controversy is that a very few harlequins have small lacy white areas on the body where the patch is depigmented completely. Some interpret this as a white body splash, a disqualifying fault in the Aussie. Others recognize that this is neither a piebald body splash nor the body splash indicative of a homozygous merle, but a byproduct of this type of modification of the merling action. In some harlequins the light areas fill in with pigment as the puppy matures, and in some they remain constant."
Another interesting coat pattern, seemingly related to the Harlequin gene, is called "Tweed". It is very similar to that a Harlequin Merle in the way it affects the Merle coloration, but test breedings would be needed to know for sure if this is just a variation of the same gene or a different one altogether. The pattern itself seems to be more "evenly distributed" in a distinct pattern and there are very minimal if any areas on the body that appear white. For a more complete understanding of the Harlequin, please review Lisa McDonald's Coloration guide.
Either way, there is no doubt that the Harlequin or Tweed Merle is a beautiful animal who will turn heads everywhere he or she goes...